Send Us Your Photos
Sending your photo’s is pretty simple
Just remember the best results are achieved if we are able to scan your original photos on our equipment. You can send or deliver your photos to us via mail. We treat your photos with the utmost care and return them to you once we have created and restored the digital image.
If your preference is to send us a scanned image, please refer to our scanning guide. This will ensure you can provide us with the best possible image to work from.
Once we receive your images we will provide you with a concise quote prior to commencement of any restoration.
Post to:
Peter Vasic – Past Colours
8 Cook Street, Kurnell, Sydney NSW 2231
Also include return address, name, phone number and your email details. Please ensure you include information on what your specifically require done. What size prints you require and quantity.
When posting originals DO NOT send unprotected in a plain envelope. We strongly recommend you send your photos between two pieces of strong, stiff card so as to prevent any possible bending and creasing and also consider posting in a Rigid Mailer pack available from your local post office in various sizes.


1 : How to scan
Scanning your Photo or image for best results
Your scanner and scanning software will allow you to choose a variety of settings.
Clean the glass to remove any dust, smudges or fingerprints with a soft micro fibre cloth

Your scanner may look a little different to the one pictured, but each option will be available when you go to scan.
It’s important to get these right so you can restore and reprint your old photographs in the future:
Make sure it’s set to scan a photograph and not a document.
Set to scan in colour, even if the original photograph is black and white. 24bit RGB colour is usually enough,
but if your photograph is very faded set it to 48bit RGB colour to be sure.
If you have auto scan turn it off Turn off all auto-correct options or automatic filters including sharpening,
colour correction, scratch or dust removal. Although these seem like cool ways to make your scanned image look good,
they’re actually really unhelpful when it comes to preserving and restoring your old photographs
Set to save the scan as a TIFF (Tagged Image File Format) file to avoid any image compression (jpegs compress images)
Set to scan at a resolution of at least (minimum) 600 DPI, but you can scan up to 1200 dpi ( it will be a large file)
Scanning at a resolution of at least 600 DPI is vital to include enough detail to restore and reprint your old photographs at a later date.
If you want to enlarge the photograph, you will need to scan at an even higher DPI setting. (1200 dpi)
To have a Poster printed you may need to scan up to several thousand DPI. I can assist with a recommendation.
Save the scanned file to a suitable folder on your PC or Laptop, with an easy to remember file name.
It may be very large and unsuitable for emailing so please follow the following instructions to email large files to me, below.

1 : How to send
sending large files for restoration or colourisation files larger than 10 mb
Go online and type in the URL
We transfer is a free easy to use, safe, reliable, transfer portal for extremely large files.
When you enter the details to send to. We Transfer will send you a verification or prompt via you’re email address.
Simple follow the prompt, upload your file/image/photo and send.
I use this facility due to its reliability, safe and non intrusive nature and mostly ease of use.
It’s what I use to send you large images in return.